Best Studios Plus

Become a Creator

Our streaming platform is powered by people-generated content. Like-minded educators, subject experts, hobbyists, homeschoolers, filmmakers, etc. can freely create and submit curricula, unit studies, and other content.

Whether you have one video, a series, a book, or an entire curriculum, we are open to reviewing your material.

Types of content includes graphic novels, video games, lecture style, interactive, books, videos, movies, documentaries, shorts, or maybe you have something new.

It’s time to turn education on its head. Material doesn’t have to be broken down into traditional subjects. It’s like a wheel where all the spokes work together, and all knowledge is connected. 

  • Review our guidelines

    Make sure your content fits within our standards and guidelines.

  • Submit an overview

    Fill out our submission form with an overview of your content.

  • Create/Submit your program

    Once approved we will send you our process for submitting your materials.